Emergency Operations
For Franklin Pierce Rindge Campus
Department | Dial from On-Campus | Dial from Mobile or Off-Campus |
Rindge Fire, EMS, Police | 911 | 911 |
Campus Safety (emergency) | x5555 | (603) 899-5555 |
Campus Safety (non-emergency) | x4210 | (603) 899-4210 |
Counseling Services | x4133 | (603) 899-4133 |
Health Services | x4130 | (603) 899-4130 |
Residence Life | x4176 | (603) 899-4176 |
Dean of Student Affairs | x4162 | (603) 899-4162 |
Facilities* | x4120 | (603) 899-4120 |
*For emergencies or immediate needs (i.e. leak, flood, no water, no heat, loss of
power, lock failure, etc.) during normal business hours, weekdays from 8 a.m. - 4:30
p.m., please call Facilities at x 4120 or (603) 899-4120. For any after-hours emergencies, please call Campus Safety at x5555 or (603) 899-5555
- The Bubble
- Lakeside Educational Center
- Campus Safety (portable unit)
- Health Services
- EMT Bay (portable unit)
- Pappas Athletic Training Office (five portable units)
If a building needs to be evacuated, the Fire Alarm will sound, or you will be notified by FPAlert by text in case of an alarm failure. If alerted, leave your building in an orderly fashion and head to the appropriate assembly point listed below.
Building/Location | Evacuation Assembly Location |
Black Box Theater | Library Parking Lot |
Campus Center/Dining Hall | In Front of Marcucella Hall |
Cheney Hall/Music Department | In Front of Mt. Washington (Field Side) |
Cheshire Hall | In Front of Mt. Washington (Field Side) |
Coles Hall | Front of Marcucella Hall |
Dance Studio | Library Parking Lot |
DiGregorio | Commuter Parking Lot |
Edgewood Hall | Library Parking Lot |
Fieldhouse | Library Parking Lot |
Fitzwater Center | Library Parking Lot |
Granite Hall | Softball Field |
Lakeside/Boat House | Lakeview Parking Lot - across University Drive |
Lakeview Apartments | Overflow Parking Lot |
Library | In Front of Marcucella Hall |
Marcucella Hall | Softball Field Area |
Monadnock Hall | Peterson Hall Courtyard |
Mt. View Apartments | Field Side of Cheshire Hall |
Mt. Washington Hall | Softball Field |
New Hampshire Hall | Softball Field |
Northfields Activity Center (Bubble) | Parking Lot |
Northwoods Apartments | Pierce Parking Lot (near Tennis Courts) |
Pappas Center | Library Parking Lot |
Peterson Manor | Front of Marcucella Hall |
Petrocelli Hall | Field by Monadnock Hall |
Spagnuolo Hall | Front of Marcucella Hall |
Sawmill Apartments | Lakeview Overflow Parking Lot |
St. Peters (Campus Safety) | Rear Parking Lot |
Warehouse/Facilities | Rear Parking Lot |
For people who are mobility impaired (those who use a wheelchair): When the alarm is activated,
people using wheelchairs should either stay in place or move to a safe place and wait
for assistance from a member of the University staff or other trained emergency personnel.
Contact Campus Safety at (603) 899-5555 for additional assistance and to relay information of your location. If assistance
can be offered by others evacuating, assist anyone that may have need.
People who are Mobility Impaired (those who do not use a wheelchair): People with mobility
impairments who are able to walk independently may be able to navigate stairs in an
emergency with minor assistance. In an actual evacuation, these individuals may choose
to wait until heavy traffic has cleared before attempting the stairs. Elevators can
be used only if authorized by emergency personnel, but may never be used in the event
of fire or structural damage. If assistance can be offered by others evacuating, assist
anyone that may have need.
People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Many areas and rooms in University buildings are equipped with fire horns and strobe lights that simultaneously sound an alarm (auditory) and flash strobe lights (visual). Although this system is intended to alert deaf and hard of hearing individuals, they may not notice or hear emergency alarms and may need to be alerted to emergency situations. If assistance can be offered by others evacuating, assist anyone that may have need.
People with a Sight Disability: People with sight disabilities are generally familiar with their immediate surroundings and frequently traveled routes. Nonetheless, because the emergency evacuation route might be different from commonly traveled routes, people who have a sight disability should be assisted to exit the building.
If there is an ACTIVE SHOOTER on campus, remember RUN, HIDE, FIGHT:
RUN: If you have a clear and safe path away from the shooter, RUN from the building or location to safety.
HIDE: If you DO NOT have a safe pathway out of the building:
- Lock doors, Close blinds, Turn off Lights, Silence Phones. Do your best to remain hidden in a secure location. Call 911.
- Do NOT try to leave until Law Enforcement gives ALL CLEAR.
FIGHT: If you HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE and are confronted:
- Find nearby items that can be used as improvised weapons and attack vulnerable areas.
- Attack the shooter as a group and as aggressively as possible.
- Call 911 as soon as possible.
If you witness or experience VIOLENT or CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR:
- If you are a victim or a witness to any on-campus offense or observe a criminal act or suspicious person on campus, call 911 and/or Campus Safety x5555.
- Note details and supply the dispatcher with any helpful information.
- Everyone can help make the campus a safe place by promptly reporting suspicious or criminal activity.
If a CIVIL DISTURBANCE or RIOT is in progress:
- Keep a safe distance from any crowd activities that appear unsafe.
- Secure your area by locking doors and windows.
- Avoid confrontation with crowd participants.
- If police are not already present, call 911 and report details of the event
If you are involved in a HOSTAGE SITUATION:
- Remain calm and be patient. Time is on your side. Avoid drastic action.
- The initial 45 minutes are the most dangerous. Follow instructions, be alert and stay alive. The captor is emotionally unbalanced. Don’t make mistakes that could hazard your well-being.
- Don’t speak unless spoken to, and only when necessary. Don’t talk down to the captor, who may be in agitated state. Avoid appearing hostile. Maintain eye contact with the captor at all times if possible, but do not stare. Treat the captor like royalty.
- Try to rest. Avoid speculating. Comply with instructions the best you can. Avoid arguments. Expect the unexpected.
- Displaying a certain amount of fear can possibly work to your advantage. Be observant. When you are released, or when you escape, the personal safety of others may depend on what you remember about the situation.
- Be prepared to answer the police on the phone. Be patient, and wait. Attempt to establish rapport with the captor.
- If medications, first aid or restroom privileges are needed by anyone, tell the captor.
In the event of a FIRE or FIRE ALARM in or near your area:
- Remain calm and encourage others to do the same.
- Activate the nearest fire alarm (if not done) and alert those around you.
- Exit the area, turning off lights and shutting doors behind you.
- Do not use elevators.
- Evacuate building through nearest exit and move at least 200 feet away from structure, preferably to assigned assembly areas (see Building Evacuation for Assembly areas).
- Report injuries by calling 911 and refer to the INJURY section.
- Do not return to building unless authorized by fire or police personnel.
If there is a MEDICAL EMERGENCY or INJURED PERSON in your area:
- Remain calm and encourage others to do the same.
- If the injury appears to be serious or if the injured person requests it, call 911 or Campus Safety immediately.
- Do not attempt to move a person who has fallen or appears to be in pain or is unconscious.
- Limit your communication with ill or injured person to quiet reassurances.
- If properly trained persons choose to administer first-aid for minor injuries, ensure proper procedures are followed.
- For serious injuries, check breathing and give artificial respiration if necessary*.
- Control serious bleeding by direct pressure on the wound*.
- Continue to assist the victim until help arrives*.
- AEDs are located on campus if needed*.
Note: Only qualified trained personnel should provide first aid treatment (e.g.: first aid, CPR/AED).
For emergencies or immediate needs (i.e. leak, flood, no water, no heat, loss of power, lock failure, etc.) during normal business hours, weekdays from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., please call Facilities at x4120 or (603) 899-4120.
For after-hours emergencies or if you get a voicemail at Facilities, please call Campus Safety at x5555 or (603) 899-5555. DO NOT LEAVE A VOICEMAIL FOR AN EMERGENCY.
If an ELECTRICAL POWER FAILURE occurs in your building or on-campus:
- In the event of a major utility failure, immediately notify Facilities or, after business hours, Campus Safety.
- If an emergency exists, activate the building alarm (fire alarm) and evacuate the building.
- Unplug all equipment being used in your area—computers, printers, etc. This will assist in ensuring circuit breakers will not fail when power is restored and will protect vital equipment.
- Move cautiously to a lighted area. Monitor FPAlert notifications for updates.
If your area experiences FLOODING:
- Stop using all electrical equipment.
- Call Campus Safety at x5555 and if known, report the location of the source of the flooding.
If your area experiences a No Water or No Heat:
- Contact Facilities or, after business hours, Campus Safety. Explain your location and what you’re experiencing.
If someone is caught in a STUCK ELEVATOR:
- If in the elevator, use the emergency phone in the elevator and explain your situation. Stay calm and understand that elevators have a failsafe condition - the elevator cannot go into free fall. Do not try to open elevator doors or climb out.
- If you encounter a stuck elevator, whether you believe someone is stuck in it or not, contact Facilities, or after-hours, Campus Safety immediately for assistance.
If someone around you is experiencing a MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS or is THREATENING SUICIDE:
- A psychological crisis exists when someone is threatening harm to themselves or others, or is out of touch with reality. The crisis may be manifested as paranoia, hallucinations, delusions, uncontrollable behavior, and/or complete withdrawal.
- If you come into contact with someone experiencing a psychological crisis who appears to be potentially dangerous (individual is unduly aggressive, hostile, has a weapon, or otherwise unmanageable), do NOT attempt to handle the situation alone. Contact Campus Safety at x5555 or (603) 899-5555. The safety of the person in crisis, yourself, and individuals in the surrounding area are of utmost importance.
If a student is contemplating suicide or experiencing a mental health crisis:
- Remain calm and encourage others do the same.
- Try to provide a safe, quiet, secure place for the individual.
- Maintain a straightforward, supportive attitude.
- Remind them they are not alone.
- Do not moralize or minimize concerns.
- If the threat is immediate or imminent, call 911.
- If the person needs counseling assistance call x4133 or (603) 899-4133 during normal business hours during the academic year or contact Campus Safety at x5555 or (603) 899-5555.
- Do not threaten, intimidate, or physically confront the person.
- Do not let anyone into a locked building or room.
- Do not block the person's access to an exit.
- If person asks to speak to a specific University official, ask them to be seated and move outside the person's hearing range to call Campus Safety or 911.
- Call 911 as soon as you can do so safely.
- Make mental notes of descriptive characteristics of person.
If you encounter a SUSPICIOUS ITEM or PACKAGE:
- Do not touch or move the item and move away from the area.
- Call Campus Safety or 911 from a land-line telephone.
- Control access to the area for the safety of others.
- Avoid contact with others if you come in direct contact with a suspicious substance.
- The following indicators may identify a threat: No return address; odd smell; leakage or seepage; liquid, powder, or unidentified substance from an unknown source; strange sounds (ticking, beeping).
If there is a TORNADO or SEVERE WEATHER in the area:
- Remain calm and encourage others do the same.
- Listen for city or campus tornado sirens or other warnings, monitor weather conditions, and monitor FPAlert notifications on your phone and email for updates.
- Move to basement areas in buildings for shelter.
- If unable to get to a basement, move to an interior room on lowest level of building without windows, such as a bathroom or closet space, and take cover.
- Stay away from doors and windows.
- Avoid auditoriums, gyms, lecture halls, labs and hazmat storage areas.
- Do not go outdoors to get to a shelter but if caught outside, lay flat in a low-lying area, such as a ditch or ravine, and cover your head. Avoid wooded areas of campus if possible.
- Remain sheltered until given the all-clear.
- Report injuries by calling 911 and refer to the INJURY section.
The University will use the following components to issue WARNINGS for emergencies:
Outdoor Warning System: The University’s outdoor warning system issues tone and voice messages in the event of an emergency which will be heard campus-wide by persons outside.
FPAlert Text Message: Students, faculty, and staff who register for the alerts will receive SMS messages on their mobile phones when this system is activated.
Voice Message Broadcast: A message may be sent to the voicemail boxes of all campus telephone extensions.
Email: Students, faculty, and staff will receive an email message sent to their official Franklin Pierce University email address.
Raven Nation App Push Notifications: Push notifications will be used to push information to students, faculty, and staff that have the Raven Nation App downloaded on their smart devices. An emergency notification will override the “off” setting for receiving other push notifications.
University Website: The University website will be updated with information and instructions during an emergency situation as is possible to do so.
Person-to-Person Communication: Campus Safety or other stakeholders may deliver instructions to persons in their designated buildings/departments.
Shelter-in-Place: Shelter-in-Place means to take shelter within the building you are in, preferably in a room that can be secured if necessary. Examples of situations in which Shelter-in-Place might be used include: severe storms, such as tornados; extreme life-threatening temperatures (e.g., cold or heat); public disturbances, such as a demonstration that has escalated to a violent level; explosions, whether intentional or accidental; and chemical or biological contaminants released accidentally or intentionally into the air.
A Shelter-in-Place order may be used in conjunction with instructions to Seek Shelter. For example, “Seek Shelter and Shelter-in-Place”. Remain vigilant, additional safety measures may be communicated in a Shelter in Place scenario. Remain until the all clear is given.
Secure-in-Place (Lockdown): An alert to “Secure-in-Place” or for a “Lockdown” means that there is an immediate threat present on campus. Remember RUN, HIDE, FIGHT. If you can safely leave a dangerous situation outside or in a facility, run to safety and leave. If you cannot or if you do not know, and you’re indoors, move to a room that can be secured. Shut and lock all doors and windows. Turn off lights and silence cell phones. Barricade the door from the inside to prevent someone from entering. Move away from doors or windows that would provide a line of sight to see that someone is in a room.
If you encounter a situation in which FIGHTING is the only option, FIGHT. Attack a shooter as a group if possible. Make improvised weapons out of objects. Aim for eyes and the soft tissue areas of the throat. This scenario would be used in the case of an active shooter on campus.
If you are outside and not in danger, take the quickest route that you can, safely away from and off campus or to a known safe location.
Suggested locations include Emma’s at the end of Mountain Road and down to the entrance of campus off University Drive.
Rindge Campus Map
CONTACT Dean of Student Affairs
Zauyah Wait, Ph.D.
Dean of Student Affairs